[s-cars] How to sell to an out of town buyer

Mike Miller mikemilr at blackfoot.net
Sun Jul 28 14:08:42 PDT 2013

Yeah - I did the electronic transfer - told the bank to move x funds 
from my acct to the other acct - took about 4 hours as it has to clear 
the ACH.  I just always referred to that as a "wire" transfer - getting 
old I guess :-)


On 7/28/2013 2:02 PM, Tom Green wrote:
> Erik,
> Those are some good tips from Mike.  Do you have a local bank branch 
> you do business with?  You will need to transfer title, and most 
> branches have a bank officer that handles loans and liens for 
> automobile titles, and so are equipped to handle title transfers and 
> notary requirements.  You could also arrange with the bank for direct 
> electronic transfer of funds to your account (not a wire transfer).  
> If you have an appointment arranged this could make for a very smooth 
> transaction for both parties.
> Tom '95 S6
>          '95.5 S6 avant
> Knoxville, TN
> On Sunday July 28, 2013, at 10:51 AM, Erik Addy <erikaddy at yahoo.com> 
> wrote:
>> So my S4 didn't get much interest, but the Passat did.? The 
>> interested party is in Connecticut, I've talked to him on the phone 
>> and he is a legit car guy.? So if he comes to pick up the car, what 
>> is the best way to handle payment to make sure I get my money?? 
>> Cashiers checks aren't beyond faking, if I recall, so anyone got any 
>> tips?
>> ?
>> BTW, the Passat is listed at:
>> http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/hnp/cto/3960752986.html
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