[s-cars] Potential to crush the AAN's oil check valve using the wrong ARP main cap stud

David Forgie forgied at shaw.ca
Fri Jun 28 15:19:05 PDT 2013

The left hand side crank main cap No. 3 bolt sits right above the oil pressure check valve. It is possible to
install a non-shortened ARP main cap stud in that hole, resulting in a crushed oil pressure check valve. This
could cause all the oil to drain out of the head everytime the engine is shut off. This is not a good thing.

This is what a crushed check valve looks like:

Marcel C. from Gravenhurst Ont (Fred M. country - ish) has put together a series of short videos documenting
this potential. They are found here:


More info about the UrS AAN Oil pressure senders and the check valve is found here:


Just sayin'...

Dave F.

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