[s-cars] Frozen door lock broken latch

Dan Dan at Pierson.com
Sat Mar 9 11:43:47 PST 2013

Hey guys, thanks much for the help.  All of you that guessed the pull cable
came off at the door latch were correct, and Bill M's reply was entertaining
as well as informative.


Well, it's fixed-ALMOST. I took out the window assembly, re-hooked the
catch, secured it with a zip tie, put the glass back in and followed Bill's
advise about window alignment. Stupid me did not test the door closing fit
until after the door panel was back on. Getting the lock knob up thru the
hole while putting the panel back on was tough, and now I get to do it
again. DOH! It did not want to shut. I popped the panel back off, loosened
the 4 bolts, test close the door, snug the bolts, test close the door,
torque the bolts, test close the door. Looks good, hope for no wind noise.
Now I'm back trying to get that lock knob lined up. I've taped a string on
it, but the tape gets pushed down in by the panel. I tried a straw but it
was too small. Maybe a wire. anyone have tricks for aligning the lock knob
for door panel replacement?


Dan P

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