[s-cars] Sports Wagons? Replacement for '95.5 S6: S4

Lee Levitt lee at levitts.net
Mon May 6 23:19:22 PDT 2013

For not much more money you could get into a C6 A6 avant with a gorgeous
interior, exterior and very nice motor. Not as sporty as the urS6, but a
nicer car than the C5 allroad. IMHO (and I drive a C5 A6). Slushbox only.



On 5/5/13 3:45 PM, "Jim Fleischer" <jim at almgt.com> wrote:

>As a previous owner of a '91 200 20v avant and a 2001 6-speed Allroad,
>and current owner of a '95 S6 avant, if anything were to happen to my s6
>and I couldn't find another, I would jump immediately back into an
>Allroad.....it has everything you are asking for and here in Colorado,
>they are pretty inexpensive overall.  The manuals may be rare, but they
>are out there, and any worry about the suspension or turbos blowing can
>be put aside when taking into account the relative low cost of entry.....

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