[s-cars] Electric Fan not working.......

Jim Fleischer jim at almgt.com
Sun May 12 19:39:10 PDT 2013

Hey all,

After finally getting my car on the road after my coil saga, I have run into an electric fan issue.  Coming home today the flashing "Coolant" autocheck display came on......all temps were normal, I pulled over, shut it down and checked for leaks, etc.  Coolant level was just under the minimum mark, so topped it off and restarted car.  Light comes on after a minute, so I start checking around and noticed the electric fan does not come on even when the A/C is turned on.  I was able to drive home, temps were all normal, even below because I had the heat on.  I'm currently in the process of diagnosing what's going on, but my question is this.....with temps in the 40's to 60's and country roads going 40-50mph, can I drive this thing for the next couple of days until I get this fixed?  The flashing light freaks me out, though the temps are all running normal, even below normal with the heat on.....I know it's not ideal, but need to get places with no other option!

Also, any thoughts on what might be the cause, please chime in.....I'm searching archives now.....thanks!

Jim Fleischer
'95 urS6 avant

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