[s-cars] 200Q20V - hard start issues

robert weinberg centaurus3200 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 18 10:27:45 PDT 2013

the 034 stage I has a 3 bar map sensor.

BTW, this is the actual dyno of my car... not a "generic" sales sheet dyno. i live in oakland, so only about 30 miles from 034's shop.

034 tuned my car against ian's IA3+ chipped ecu... which 034 wanted to borrow to baseline their stage I chipset.

i'm past the point of return with the car... it's either finish it or eat shit and sell it for $3k (if i'm lucky).

in retrospect, i should have just bought a "done" example... but live and learn...


 From: David Forgie <forgied at shaw.ca>
To: robert weinberg <centaurus3200 at yahoo.com> 
Cc: s-car-list <s-car-list at audifans.com> 
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2013 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: [s-cars]  200Q20V - hard start issues

Robby: Based on the attachment you sent me the 034 software was being compared to Intended Acceleration's Stage III (which
still uses the 250 kPa (2.5 Bar) manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor in the ECU). Intended Acceleration suggests that
their Stage III for a 200 20VT was good for "up to 277 hp" (which I find a little high)
(REF: http://www.intendedacceleration.com/html/pricing.html)

The O34 print-out has the IA Stage III at 228.1 whp and their s/w at 232.7 whp. Assuming IA's 277 is the upper limit,
the correction factor would be 1.214 (=277/228.1). This would put the 034 at 282.6 crank off 232.7 wheel. That is *very*
"healthy" but a little hard to believe assuming the MAP sensor is still 2.5 Bar and not 3.0 Bar (300 kPa).

Good luck with your fixes. Don't put too much money into the car. The return on value isn't going to be there.  

Dave F.

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