[s-cars] DeLan Hitches

John johnkarasaki at msn.com
Thu Oct 31 21:15:08 PDT 2013

You would think that any decent welder could make one quite easily. There was a picture of a dalan on Audifans this week (sold quick). It looked very simple.

Jack Walker <jack at walkerperformancegroup.com> wrote:

Hi guys,

Delan went out of business and another hitch company bought all their
patterns and isn't going to make the Audi hitches for the S4/6.

Contacted them some time ago and they aren't interested because there isn't
enough of the 92-97 Quattro's, my wife owns a trailer business and I called
around trying to find a hitch when I had a former 95.5 S6A.

Curt hitches makes a hitch that isn't for use on the Quattro models

So does any know who is making the replacement hitch that uses the Curt
hitch and modifies it to fit the S4/6 Quattro's

Is it marc Swanson??

Isn't there someone that was in the process of making hitches for the 92-97
quattro models, maybe that's the allroad??

Is there any interest in a hitch that built to the same general specs as a

Jack Walker

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