[s-cars] 1993 urs4 rescue mission for sale

Mike Platt mplatt911 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 5 19:22:58 PDT 2014

After many years of lurking the list and getting my sons involved in scars it's time for my oldest son to part ways with his car. It's had four faithful years of service to him but has left him stranded a couple times over the last few months. Being a fresh college graduate with a new job he wants to buy his first new car. Mechanic told  him over $1300 for a timing belt, hose, and water pump change. Truly four times the cost of parts and handy sCar owner could do themselves. too bad for him.

Car just broke down with a burst coolant line out side of Winston nc. I am 900 miles away and coming to his rescue is out of the cards. I want this car to go to a good home to someone on the forums who have helped me for the last two decades. The previous owner has given me a literally book of service records with every fuel fill up documented. We have taken excellent care of car ourselves. A new coolant line, precautionary timing belt and water pump change will have the car back in service for many years. 

The good: southern car, no rust issues. Car has full Bilstein hd suspension, 5 spoke urs4 wheels in excellent shape with tires with about two seasons on them, working ac, carbon fiber interior trim.a full stainless stromung exhaust including down pipe.canton oil filter setup, and full apikol coil pack install, Ned Ritchie chipset. The car is still a great grand touring car and runs strong. 

The not so good: car is original green paint and ecru interior. Clear coat is shot on horizontal surfaces but vertical looks good. Front bumper has a small crack in inter cooler area. Interior in nice shape except for small rips in the drivers seat, slightly sagging headliner and some slight cracks in carbon fiber in couple panels. Certainly presentable . Odometer stopped a while back but cars has had religious oil changes and canton filter setup, I am a believer to the cars very low oil consumption.

Please make me an offer for the car. If I had it here , I'd part it for more than its worth. Car runs and will drive onto a trailer no problem. Just need to fix that hose and do the belt change. Mechanically great car, cosmetically needs work. No accident history or dented panels in car either. 

Now back to the radiator install on my other sons b5 s4 avant.



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