[s-cars] MAF to Turbo hose needed

Jim Fleischer jim at almgt.com
Wed Apr 16 13:43:58 PDT 2014

Hey all,

I am in need of the MAF to Turbo hose, PN 034133357S.  I noticed the cracking at the turbo side while removing it to replace the intercooler to turbo hose (blew a hole through the side of that one.)  So I've noticed several options online for between $225 - $260, as well as the 034 Motorsports Silicone version for $195.  Anyone have a new or slightly used one in the "bin" that they'd like to part with, or is there another source I haven't yet come across that sells them cheaper?  I'm sure I'll be blowing this one shortly.....


Jim Fleischer
'95 urs6 avant

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