[s-cars] Coolant Leak

Lee Levitt lee at levitts.net
Mon Dec 1 08:47:08 PST 2014

Those tanks are a consumable item. They get brittle with age. I would replace it and see if the problem recurs.

Do you see any signs of leakage?



> On Dec 1, 2014, at 10:59 AM, Paul Luevano <paul at clarity.net> wrote:
> List-
>    I have a coolant leak with an odd presentation.  So odd in fact, I've had this leak for probably 4 years and still haven't dealt with it.  It only happens when it is cold out, I'm going to say below freezing, and the car sits idle for more than a few (let's say two) days.  Under these circumstances, sometimes, not always, the coolant overflow tank will empty.
>    This last time I parked the car on Tuesday before T-day, was back on Friday, and the coolant tank was empty.  If I drive the car daily, no problem.  If it's warm, and the car sits for several days, no problem.

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