[s-cars] Exhausting Morning

John Cunningham jc at j2c3.com
Tue Feb 4 06:43:13 PST 2014

Amazingly enough for Mass, our cars have fallen off the time-line for 
emissions so you don't even get checked for that anymore so the cat is 
not an issue unless it gets clogged and chokes the motor. And MA isn't 
super fussy for the most part about actual exhaust. Our Jeep has had the 
exhaust rusting out for years and I keep expecting it to get failed but 
it doesn't. In another state it would for sure get flagged.

That said, it is up to individual inspection stations and the ones that 
are jerks/trying-to-drum-up-business might fail something that was 
starting to rust...

And THAT said, I'd agree w/ Peter, the ejected carbon likely has nothing 
to do with your exhaust system, unless it's related to a clogged cat...

On 2/4/2014 9:12, Peter Schulz wrote:
> Paul:
> Check your 02 sensor -
> seems like your car is running rich and some carbon is getting ejected…
> -Peter
> On Feb 4, 2014, at 9:02 AM, Paul Luevano wrote:
>> List-
>> 	Yesterday, while letting my S6 warm up, I noticed the exhaust sounded "off".  It almost sounded like it was blowing a raspberry.  I also noticed small black specks being ejected from the exhaust.
>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/gqmb7yelce2hcbb/Stromung.jpg
>> 	This system was installed by the previous owner.  I bought the car in 11/2007, so the exhaust is at least 6 years old.  I have not idea what the expected life span is for a Stromung.
>> 	Is this something that is "repairable", or am I in for a full exhaust replacement?  Is there any issue continuing to drive with the exhaust in this state?
>> 	Thanks!
>> Paul Luevano
>> Wayland MA
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> -Peter Schulz
> Chelmsford Ma, USA
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*John J. Cunningham*
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