[s-cars] 94 UrS4 Timing belt

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Tue Feb 18 14:37:18 PST 2014

It is difficult to assess belt condition from a visual look other than  
finding many cracks or chunks missing to make it a reject.  If you did  
not mark the direction of travel for that serpentine belt, I recommend  
junking it, since running it backwards to original travel can induce  
quick and total failure that could damage the fan, radiator, or even  
the timing belt/valves/head.  It is nice to have one available rather  
than looking when you have a failure, but installing a belt beside the  
road is a difficult proposition in the best conditions.

The leaking hose is likely leaking at where the hard line is crimped  
on the flexible rubber part.  You said power steering hose, so I will  
take that as knowledge of the two hoses on the pump. The original part  
# 4A1 422 893 Q shows superceeded to AA, but I don't see an updated  
diagram.  Well, it is priced at $353.40 at genuineaudiparts.com so no  
matter.  I would doubt that Carson Hetr at Milburn Audi in Maplewood,  
NJ would beat it by much even if you do establish an account with  
him.  (I recommend you do that if you have not, since it can save a  
lot on dealer parts.)

On this particular part it looks like ECS tuning in Wadsworth, OH just  
outside Akron has the best price listed.  Hopefully they have it in  


This hose has not been successfully repaired in maybe 25% of the  
cases, so that new hose is your best bet IMHO.  The brake pressure  
hose ( "J" hose) that runs down to the accumulator has been repaired  
successfully many times by HOH in Spokane Valley, WA.  You will  
probably need new crush washers for the replacement also.

There was a recent thread on the Quattroworld UrS4/6/S2/RS2 forum that  
might give you some hints on the rack.  If it is leaking,  the boot  
replacement is not the fix.

Tom '95 S6
          '95.5 S6 avant
Knoxville, TN

On Tuesday February 18, 2014, at 11:59 AM, Duncan Thomson <thomson.duncan at gmail.com 
 > wrote:

> A big thanks to all who chimed in with advice on the timing belt  
> change.
> Had print-outs of the SJM, and Fred Munro write-ups and went at it.
> Much easier than I had expected.
> My old man made up a crank lock tool for me, and was surprised how  
> easily
> it came off.
> (I did have a pretty decent sized lever on the end of it).
> Existing belts were actually in pretty decent condition, and I've  
> kept serp
> as a get-me-home spare. Need to go back in to change the serp belt  
> tension
> roller some time soon, and didn't touch the crank seal.
> Managed to cause a leak in the power steering hose while manhandling  
> the
> p/s pump out of the way.
> Is this a dealer item, or just get one made up at a hose place?
> Anyways, easier than expected job, and good result in the end.
> Thanks to all for the advice!
> Cheers
> Duncan
> '94 UrS4
> On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 5:42 AM, Peter Golledge <petergolledge at gmail.com 
> >wrote:
>> Duncan,
>> Used Fred's write up here: http://12v.org/urs/FredMsTimingBeltR&RDIY.pdf 
>> .
>> If you camshaft sensor has not been done would replace at the same  
>> time,
>> good info here: http://forums.audiworld.com/archive/index.php/t-2832818 
>> .
>> html
>> If the boot is not intact 99% probable that it is leaking and the  
>> fluid
>> ate the rubber.  A reman rack from Jorgen is what I've used many  
>> times, job
>> is a bit of a PITA, easier if you are doing the clutch at the same  
>> time. :-)
>> Do flush the entire hydraulic system, I use a regular mineral  
>> hydrualic
>> fluid to flush.  Put a filter inline on the hydraulic oil return to  
>> tank,
>> been doing this on all of my fleet and it does keep things  
>> cleaner.  Been
>> using magnafine trans filters...
>> Cheers
>> On 1/29/2014 7:17 PM, Duncan Thomson wrote:
>>> Hey guys,
>>> Water pump seal has given up the ghost, so call coolant dumped.
>>> Due to do the timing belt in any case.
>>> Anyone have a nice writeup for this?
>>> Particularly timing marks as I can probably muddle my way through  
>>> the rest
>>> of it.
>>> Also need to replace the power steering boot, how much will I have  
>>> to
>>> remove to get that sucker on there.
>>> Any advice gratefully received!
>>> Cheers
>>> Duncan

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