[s-cars] Warped Head Symptoms?

Qshipq qshipq at aol.com
Mon Jan 6 14:52:24 PST 2014

worse and scarey was s-car related...  Left Steamboat with scar wagon display showing -26F.  I asked if we should put cardboard infront of bumper...  "its fine" (trademarked).  15 miles later temp showed -45F on the display and coolant fog from hood would flash freeze on the ds quarter panel taking the paint ofd in a way that defies the natural art look.  we added more coolant and 'just' made it the next 6 miles to town.  A story I can laugh at now but very scarey at the time.

The S cars have a massive cooling capacity that will test a 'bad' mix of coolant at temps fall below single digits.  currwently about 90% radiator blocked 5F ambient at 80mph our oil temp doesn t even hit the first hashmark.  

The no thermostat story is one I will never forget Dave!  The look on your face from that guys comments were beyond disbelief.

Stay warm boys and remember too much coolant to water ratio isnt always better either.



Sent from my Samsung Epicâ„¢ 4G Touchdjdawson2 at aol.com wrote:Yes... Steamboat.  We watched a foolish guy do exactly that a couple years ago.  No t-stat installed at all, and poor coolant.  The result - frozen system in the morning leading to an overheat - then a blown engine later in the day.

Some people you just can't teach.

-----Original Message-----
From: Qshipq <qshipq at aol.com>
To: Tony Curran <tony.curran at sympatico.ca>; djdawson2 <djdawson2 at aol.com>; s-car-list <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Mon, Jan 6, 2014 3:25 pm
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Warped Head Symptoms?

LOL driving my 95.5 back from colorado now into the -27c weather in chicago coming tonight....  mounted forward of the condenser is a takeout pizza box lid in full redneck fashion.  Because I have experienced a coolant test failure outside steamboat and thermostat failures on I5 engines as well.  Easy test for thermostat if it doesn t open in boiling water yer done.

That said I suspect either dave is right that your coolant might have frozen (causing a blocked radiator which leads to a blown hg)  or possibly your thermostat never opened to burp an air bubble because it was so cold.

Cheers from the road

Scott 'dominos' j

Sent from my Samsung Epicâ„¢ 4G Touch

Tony Curran <tony.curran at sympatico.ca> wrote:

Thanks for the info. It very well could be #1. I've not experienced any "odd
pinging". And I believe #2 was more common in pre-95 cars as Audi went with
a newer gasket design for 95.5 and up - but I may be wrong.

This issue occurred when out air temp was -27deg C. After replacing t-stat
ran the car for nearly an hour (air temp was -4deg C). Ran at idle for a
while then drove around a bit. Both fans were working OK and no excessive
coolant temp or pressure. Will keep an eye on it though. Local mechanic has
been advised it may be in the shop soon - he drives a 911 but previously
owned a S4.

Thanks again.


From: djdawson2 at aol.com [mailto:djdawson2 at aol.com] 
Sent: January-05-14 4:08 AM
To: tony.curran at sympatico.ca; s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Warped Head Symptoms?

If your head is warped, there will be only one symptom, and that will be
eventual head gasket failure.

In 20v Audi engines, I've experienced headgasket failures of just 2 types:

- #1 Blown between a cylinder and the cooling jacket.  This often results in
blowing the seal between the plastic ends caps and the aluminum radiator
core, blowing off the coolant res cap, blowing your heater core, etc...
This version of headgasket failure is relatively harmless in the big picture
- symptom is simply excessive cooling system pressure.  Fail to grasp what
is going on, and you'll just be replacing each weak link in your cooling
system, one at a time, that succumbs to the excess pressure.

- #2 Blown between cylinders 4 and 5.  This results in a cross ignition
situation.  Cylinder 4 fires right before 5 (1-2-4-5-3).  When 4 fires, the
flame travels across to cylinder 5, preigniting it.  Result is losing a lot
of aluminum from the head between the cylinders, and a destroyed #5
piston/cylinder resulting from preignition and detonation.  Fail to
recognize this situation quickly, is costly... you can pretty much count on
having to replace the block and head assemblies.  If your car EVER starts to
sound like it's "pinging" all the time, even at idle, a headgasket blown
between 4 and 5 is the likely culprit.  If you catch it fast, you'll be very
glad you did.  Fail to - get out your wallet.

Back to your t-stat.  I'm sure there are stories of t-stats failing closed
that someone can and probably will tell us.  But in my 30-ish years of
dozens of Audi/VW/BMW cars, I have yet to personally experience a t-stat
that failed in the closed position.  EVERY t-stat failure I've ever had
became evident as soon as it got cold out.  They would fail in the open
position, and in cold weather the engine would run too cool, and provide
poor heat.  My point?  There are a number of reasons you could have blown
your coolant.  However, I seriously doubt it was because of your t-stat.  I
would first check to make sure your fans are coming on, etc... to insure the
car isn't overheating in general.  All the while, I'd be wary of any signs
that the real issue is pressure being leaked into the cooling system from



-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Curran <tony.curran at sympatico.ca>
To: S-Car-List at Audifans.Com <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Sun, Jan 5, 2014 1:26 am
Subject: [s-cars] Warped Head Symptoms?

Hi All,

On another thread there was mention of loss of coolant and possible warping
of the head due to overheating.

My S6 experienced loss of coolant recently - blew it out through the
overflow tank cap. It appears that the thermostat was the culprit. There
were no telltale head gasket failure signs.

So, if the engine did overheat sufficiently to warp the head, what would the
symptoms be?

Also, when I ordered thermostat from local online source, this is the part
that arrived.


It is somewhat different to the Wahler brand.



96 S6

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