[s-cars] '92 won't start

Dace Voit daceavoit at gmail.com
Sat Jan 4 14:19:36 PST 2014

This shop doesn't know your car.  The crank sensor isn't behind the 
camshaft.  The crank sensor rarely, if ever goes out on these cars. It 
will also throw a code if the car isn't running.  It won't start likely 
from something they did if they drove it off the flatbed. Depending on 
what they removed, etc. when the replaced the hose, they likely hit 
something or forgot to hook something back up.  If they unplugged the 
CPS, there is a possibility of the pin holder in the plug being pushed 
back far enough to not make contact when they plugged it back in.  If 
this happens, then you get a no start. Pushing in on the wire will 
reestablish a connection.  This has happened to me before.  If they cant 
find what's wrong with it then save money by paying the tow fee and 
having a shop that knows these cars do the work.

Good luck!

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