[s-cars] Power steering boot

Wayne Dohnal wd43 at hevanet.com
Thu Jan 30 13:58:33 PST 2014

One strategy for the torn steering rack boot is "watchful waiting". A 
couple of years ago I started getting hydraulic fluid drips on the floor 
and found the torn boot.  My first reaction was that it's an emergency, 
going to get worse, have to act right away, etc. Another owner calmed me 
down and suggested waiting, and the only action I took was a hydraulic 
fluid flush and replacement, and carrying spare fluid in the trunk.  
Fast forward to today: Boot is still torn of course and the leak has 
either stopped or is so small that the drips never make it to the 
floor.  I've not had to add any fluid since the flush a couple of years 
ago.  Maybe it will be an emergency someday, but so far, so good.

1994 S4

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