[s-cars] replace water pump and serp belt

Jerry Scott jerryscott at wispertel.net
Fri Jun 20 13:28:34 PDT 2014

Thanks Paul for the info..  I’m still not sure where the leak is originating.  It drips coolant from the passenger side front corner of the oil pan, where it bolts to the block.  This just started this Summer, so it’s not a freezing caused issue.  I sort of guessed that it was coming from the water pump, but the belts and pulleys  are dry.  I suppose the block could be cracked but not likely.  Any ideas.  I’m just starting to get into the water pump area, but not hopeful I will find the leak there.




From: squashstring at gmail.com [mailto:squashstring at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Paul Heneghan
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 1:59 PM
To: s-car-list at audifans.com; Jerry Scott
Subject: [s-cars] replace water pump and serp belt


I did a water pump back in January. By the time I got to the pump, there was so little extra work to do to replace the t-belt that I did that as well even though it had been done a year (10k miles) previously. Providing you have the locking tool (3256) and a big torque wrench it's really not that much extra work.


Typing 'AAN timing belt' into google gives 47,000 hits, amongst the first few are:



12v.org/urs/FredMsTimingBeltR <http://12v.org/urs/FredMsTimingBeltR&RDIY.pdf> &RDIY.pdf


All are combined procedures (serp belt, water pump, timing belt). Just do the bits that apply to you. I'm pretty sure you'll have to remove the bumper and hinge out the radiator no matter what you do.


Watch out for faulty information in Bentley and several Internet sources about 20 Nm torque on M6 bolts for the timing belt tensioners. You'll feel the bolt stretching long before you get to 20 Nm. 10 Nm is the correct torque for these bolts.



- no longer an S6 driver :( 

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