[s-cars] Wiper Wind Deflector

Walter Moore moorewr at gmail.com
Mon Mar 31 13:03:37 PDT 2014

To my knowledge some S4s came with deflectors on the arm, and some S6 came
with deflectors on the blade. The previous owner of my S6 gave me the
original blades with deflectors and I put new inserts in them.

The missed areas on the sweep are probably not caused by the lack of
deflectors but by a weakening spring or by the arm bending out of shape. I
performed the "Pipe wrench fix" on my driver's side wiper:


On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 3:42 PM, Paul Luevano <paul at clarity.net> wrote:

> List-
>         Am I correct in recalling that one of my past Audis had a wind
> deflector on the drivers wiper arm, that provided down force on the wiper?
>  Or did I just imagine that?  Is there a source for this deflector to add
> one to my '95 S6?  I'm having a hell of a time getting a nice, full sweep
> on the drivers wiper.  There tends to be quite large areas missed at
> highway speeds.  Tried several brands of blades.
>         Thanks.
> Paul Luevano
> Wayland MA
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Walter R. Moore --  moorewr at gmail.com

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We would rather die in our dread
Than climb the cross of the moment
And let our illusions die."
             W.H. Auden

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