[s-cars] Central door lock system won't pass state inspection

Cody Forbes cody at 5000tq.com
Tue May 27 13:00:02 PDT 2014

Seat belts too? Here in NC they care about things that will effect emissions and things that can injure OTHER drivers, but nothing about you. You can pass with no seats in the car and the doors cut in half and bungee corded shut as long as its got cats and the suspension is sound.

-Cody Forbes (mobile)

On May 27, 2014, at 1:13 PM, John Cunningham <jc at j2c3.com> wrote:

> Mass has an enforcement program where they are sending undercover staff out to private inspection shops with "plant" cars to see if they check everything.  When they miss some little item the shop gets dinged and cited.  One specific completely stupid trick is seat belts - a common thing for an inspector to overlook.  My bud w/ a C4 A6 got dinged for a faulty center belt in the rear seat (wouldn't retract all the way...), because the shop had been busted for that before by an enforcement plant.  Of course no-one had ever ever ever sat in that seat but didn't matter... had to work...
> Don't know about door locks but wouldnt' be surprised if its on the list of official things that they always ignored before but now the bureaucrats are using as a buckle-down trick.
> On 5/27/2014 12:36, Cody Forbes wrote:
>> Where do you live that door locks are required for state inspection? That's a new one to me!
>> -Cody Forbes (mobile)

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