[s-cars] Oil filter options for 95 S6

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Tue Apr 21 13:17:35 PDT 2015

The 068 115 561 B oil filters are an excellent choice for the  AAN engine, especially
free ones.  I have been using the genuine Audi filters for several years in both the 
1.8t and the AAN engines so I only have to stock one filter to use on both the A4 and the
UrS6.  It allows a little more oil capacity which I think is a good thing.


> On Apr 21, 2015, at 3:00 PM, "weski at verizon.net" <weski at verizon.net> wrote:

> Guys,
> A buddy of mine recently traded in his early 200x A4 1.8 and replaced it 
> with a Honda CRV.  Today I benefited from this when he unloaded all his 
> Rosatobin Audi parts - mainly oil filters and antifreeze.  I checked the 
> antifreeze and it's the same approved pink stuff my 95 S6 has always 
> used so win for me.  My question is with the oil filters he gave me and 
> I'm wondering if they will fit.  They are Audi part number 
> 068-115-561B.  It's a bigger filter physically but appears to have the 
> same gasket location and spindle size.  ETKA says the correct filter for 
> an AAN is 06A-115-561B.  I know other filters will fit the AAN such as 
> the Mann W930/21 which is larger than the stock AAN filter.  Does anyone 
> have any experience with the 068-115-561B on an AAN engine?
> TIA,
> Paul
> 3 German Cars
> 21 Cylinders
> 3 Turbos

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