[s-cars] Crack in firewall - Steering Rack mount

Mark Turczyn mkturczyn at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 19:48:10 PDT 2015


Old problem-- try this from Dave-


At 7:08 PM -0600 3/12/15, Jim Fleischer wrote:
>Hey guys,
>A few weeks ago, I noticed a click when turning the wheel...sounded 
>like a relay "click" when it would happen, and it was intermittent, 
>but often.  It ended up being a loose steering rack bolt that was 
>"catching" on the firewall and making the sound.  So, I tightened 
>the bolt and all was well until yesterday I heard the sound again, 
>and I noticed a lot of flex in the mounting area.  Well, sure 
>enough, the reinforcement area in the tirewell that had the loose 
>bolt is cracked, and the firewall flexes about 5mm when turning the 
>wheel.  So, I was thinking about taking the car to a 
>welder/fabricator and having a piece made and welded in.  Anyone 
>else BTDT and have some suggestions?  Thanks!
>Best regards,
>Jim Fleischer
>'95 urS6 avant, needing some love
>S-CAR-List mailing list


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