[s-cars] Front Strut Removal

Jeremiah Curry jeremiah at curryclan.net
Tue Nov 17 19:59:39 PST 2015

I forgot to mention I did heat it up quite a bit with a torch when I did it with a pipe wrench.

From: Joshua Van Tol 
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 8:28 PM
To: Jeremiah Curry ; S-Car-List at audifans.com ; weski at verizon.net 
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Front Strut Removal

If the new struts have new cap nuts, why don't you simply cut the old ones off? You can use an angle grinder to thin down the cap in a couple of places, then chisel it off, being careful not to bung up the threads on the strut tubes.

Alternately heat (oxy-acetelyene, propane or Mapp not hot enough) will work. But as Cody warned, you can really start a conflagration with shock oil and whatnot, so work fast and have a bucket of water and a fire extinguisher handy.


  -----Original Message-----
  From: weski at verizon.net
  Sent: Monday, November 16, 2015 7:00 PM
  To: S-Car-List at audifans.com
  Subject: [s-cars] Front Strut Removal

  Patient is a 1995 S6 and I'm struggling with removing the strut cap so I
  can remove the front struts - Bentley says to use the VAG 2069 tool.
  I've read that it can also be done with a large pipe wrench but I've not
  been able to get it to budge.

  Any advice on where to pick up or borrow the correct tool or on how to
  get this loosened?  I can't seem to find anyplace on-line that sells the
  2069 tool anymore - all NLA.  Should I get a 3' pipe for leverage on the
  pipe wrench?  Touch the collar to heat it up?  This weekend is my last
  chance to get the suspension repaired and ready for winter since our
  spare car goes into storage for the winter starting this Friday.


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