[s-cars] Flywheel TDC mark

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Tue Oct 27 15:07:55 PDT 2015

That faint mark may give some a warm and fuzzy feeling after matching with the other clues for TDC, but it shouldn’t, and it won’t for any old school mechanic who has timed older Audis.  That mark has always been made with a die and hammer with the #1 cylinder precisely at TDC.  No trained German mechanic with a job assembling Audi engines is going to place that oval 
mark anywhere but the center of the observation port.  Since it is a die struck mark, it can not be confused with a spurious scratch or an awl scratch made by a DIY mech.

> On Oct 27, 2015, at 5:27 PM, Jeremiah Curry <jeremiah at curryclan.net> wrote:
> I just did my 95.5s timing belt this weekend.  There were large square pieces of metal on the flywheel, but they were not the mark.  There was a fairly faint line on the flywheel at the correct point.  I lined up the marks on the pulleys on the front first and then checked on the flywheel and was able to see the mark.
> It is actually set up so that the mark is just outside the windows when at TDC.

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