[s-cars] steering wheel R&R

Larry larrycleung at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 13:00:17 PDT 2015

Don't know if this applies to Audi's or not, but a common step I've seen for others is to step on the brake (or turn on the lights for that matter, just remember to turn them off afterwards) for several seconds to discharge any capacitance or inductive stored charge in the system after disconnecting the battery and before step 2.  I'd call it a reasonable precaution.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 21, 2015, at 3:12 PM, Lee Levitt <lee at levitts.net> wrote:
> Folks,
> The steering wheel leather (4 spoke) on our '96 A6 is shot and I've picked
> up a urS6 3 spoke sport wheel as a replacement.
> I *believe* that on the '96 and later cars, the wheel swap is pretty
> straightforward.
> - Disconnect battery
> - Remove airbag (two bolts from rear)
> - Unplug airbag
> - Remove wheel (T55 torx)
> - Install wheel
> - Plug in airbag
> - Fasten airbag
> - Reconnect battery
> Pretty straightforward...am I missing anything?
> Much appreciated! 
> Thanks,
> Lee   
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