[s-cars] Trouble Programming IR Remote

Michael Wakefield S4Quattro at comcast.net
Tue Jan 12 16:09:26 PST 2016

Or, you could just ditch the miserable IR and go to aftermarket RF. As I recall, there are two wires going into the central locking module. They are brown and brown/white on my ’93. If you ground one of these, the doors lock, and if you ground the other, the doors unlock. There are many remote RF units on the market, and they are only $30 or $40. See Car Alarms and Security Systems on Ebay. I used a small Radio Shack relay to ground each of the wires, thereby isolating the car alarm from the action of needing to ground the wires. It’s been working spectacularly for years, and is operable from quite a distance. These alarm kits have all kinds of capability that you just don’t need to use, unless you want to. 
Good luck,
Mike Wakefield
> On {January12}, at 9:51 AM, David Forgie <forgied at shaw.ca> wrote:
> If you have new batteries in the IR key and have followed the normal programming procedure, as explained here: 
> http://forums.quattroworld.com/s4s6/msgs/197756.phtml then the issue relates to the V94 central locking control module. 
> If the doors lock/unlock with the key in the door lock, there isn't any wiring issue in the door wiring bundle. 
> However, there might be an issue with the infrared receiver or its wiring to the V94 or the V94 itself. 
> Some pertinent info here: http://forums.quattroworld.com/s4s6/msgs/284009.phtml 
> If it is the IR receiver, you will want to source a good used one. New ones are close to $300. 
> Item 19 here: http://audi.7zap.com/en/usa/audi+100+quattro/a10q/1993-139/8/853-853020/#19 
> Checking the wiring could involve removing the B pillar cover: http://forums.quattroworld.com/s4s6/msgs/306667.phtml 
> Checking the wiring at the V94 central locking module requires that you remove the battery (have your radio code handy) so you can access the foam box and slide it towards the center of the car to open it. 
> http://forums.quattroworld.com/s4s6/msgs/205821.phtml 
> Good luck. 
> Dave F. 
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