[s-cars] Bleeding Pressure from the hydraulic boost system

Douglas Fifield douglas.fifield at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 19:52:50 PDT 2016

Pump the brake 20-30 times (or until the pedal hardens up) with the engine off.  That will discharge the pressure stored in the accumulator.


> On Sep 6, 2016, at 7:56 PM, Larry <larrycleung at gmail.com> wrote:
> Not looking to bleed the system. As you put it, it pretty well (at the point of the X-plug on the pump) will "self" bleed since its at the top of the system. The issue is, so long as the pressure accumulator (a.k.a. B_mb) is functioning correctly, opening ANY part of the system (rack, pump, booster, b_mb, lines) will cause very high PSI green gold (CHF 11S) to spew out, potentially 
> with enough force to cause serious injury. So it's a REQUIREMENT to bleed off system pressure before opening the system, which in my case is to replace the O-ring under the X-plug.
> Sent from my pocket electronic thingy
>> On Sep 6, 2016, at 8:09 PM, Tony <tony.curran at sympatico.ca> wrote:
>> Hi Larry,
>> I believe the power steering hydraulics is self leveling. Just have to turn on and let it run for a while. 
>> Can someone else chime in if it's different.
>> Cheers,
>> Tony
>> 96 S6
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: S-CAR-List [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Larry
>> Sent: September-06-16 6:54 PM
>> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
>> Subject: [s-cars] Bleeding Pressure from the hydraulic boost system
>> I'm in need of replacing of my hydraulic pump's X-plug.
>> How do I bleed off the system pressure before removing the old O-ring.  Pump the brake pedal until the pedal goes hard?
>> LL-NY
>> Sent from my pocket electronic thingy
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