[s-cars] Non Audi, but VAG question.... VW Touareg V10 TDI vs. V8 opinions?

Lee Levitt lee at levitts.net
Mon May 29 17:24:17 PDT 2017

> On May 29, 2017, at 8:07 PM, Vincent Frégeac <s.sikss at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> You may already have the car you need. Allroads are able to tow much more
> than the 4000lbs of your coming Airstream. IIRC, they were listed for
> 6500lbs in Europe. I don't know why they were listed for so little here,
> probably because it didn't look like an SUV. There's a nice class III
> hidden hitch for the allroads, a bit hard to source in US but quite easy to
> install.

Depending on the trailer he ends up with, he may have a fully loaded weight of 6500-7600 lbs.

IIRC, the European limit was 5,000. The OEM hitches are very rare and the only aftermarket option (Justin Hitches) recently shut down.

I've towed the same 4-5000 lb trailer with my V6 TDI Touareg and my V6 allroad. The Treg handled the load with no problem; the allroad gas motor wasn't really up to the task. I would not want to pull that size trailer on a regular basis with an allroad.

And remember, if you are overweight, according to specs, and you have an event, the insurance companies may have an issue with your loading.


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