[s-cars] Active members?

Ian Duff iduff01 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 06:54:38 PST 2018

And only two chucklehead/smartass/asswipes who replied to your “Test” email.

Best regards, Meilleures salutations, 此致敬礼, Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
  חמה שלום דרישת, Con i migliori saluti, التحيات أطيب مع, Saludos cordiales,
  शुभकामनाएं, A melhor consideraçāo, よろしく


Ian Duff | 38 Grove Street | New Bedford | Massachusetts | 02740 | USA
V: +1 (508) 717-8058 | E: iduff01 at gmail.com <mailto:ian at inside-overlap.com> | F: +1 (801) 335-1661

Think before you print!

> On 12Dec, 2018, at 08:25, Darin Nederhoff <editor at s-cars.org> wrote:
> According to the list admin area we still have 191 non-digest members and
> 141 digest subscribers here.  So far...  ;-)
> -- 
> Darin Nederhoff
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