[s-cars] Future of this group

Lee Levitt lee at levitts.net
Thu Dec 13 20:14:27 PST 2018

I have some domains hosted at pair.com and have been managing a real-time and digested mailing list, with archives, for, oh shit, almost 25 years. 


I have never allowed attachments for security and bandwidth concerns. That group has maybe 600 members, with 20 active posters and a handful to several dozen messages s day.

Not a big deal to set up another mailing list on one of my domains. No additional cost to me. Would need a couple of admins to help, although frankly, my other list requires zero technical attention, other than manually approving new members.


> On Dec 13, 2018, at 8:18 PM, Dave Ellis <lsd at urs4.net> wrote:
> As a system administrator specializing in communications I would be willing to volunteer to run a low resource list similar to what we have now if needed.  Adding attachment support for photos etc is relatively trivial if that's what folks want.  Adding additional list moderators to help manage things would also be a possibility.

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