[s-cars] Future of this group

Dan Simoes dan at simoes.us
Tue Dec 18 07:29:32 PST 2018

Hey folks.
First off, hi.

The list didn't vanish 8 months ago, it's likely that traffic was very low
so it seemed dead.
I'm around, and Peter is keeping an eye on things as well in terms of

The funny thing is that my Audi enthusiasm has come somewhat full circle.
I went from owning multiple Audis to none.  Then I bought VWs.  Then I
bought BMWs.  I even bought an Alfa Romeo.
After years of no Audis, I chose an A3 for my daughter's first car, and
spent a lot of time wrenching on that.
Then I got my wife a new 2017 Q7, deciding that it was the best option
among 3 row SUVs.

Throughout it all, I've kept the site up.  Financial contributions fell off
long ago (and I'm not asking for money, it's a nominal cost to run this
So it's been a labor of love to keep it going.  Some things are broken
(marketplace software won't support new captcha, etc).

At times, the site needs attention.   Software gets outdated, virtual disks
fill up, etc.  When I know there's an issue, I take a look at it.
This most recent problem prevented me from even logging in, so I had to get
creative and I think it's (mostly) back to normal.

I'm looking at ways of simplifying the setup.  I don't think a facebook
group is the right move but I'm not opposed to one - I use facebook myself
of course.
I do think perhaps, with low traffic, it's time to reconsolidate all the
lists down to two (s-cars and quattro).
I'd love to clean up the archives but that may have to wait for my

So, I'm here.  Hopefully this thing works well enough where someone will
see this.

On Wed, Dec 12, 2018 at 5:24 PM W. Bean <theringmeister at triad.rr.com> wrote:

> The greatest thing about an "audifans" FB group page would be that it
> maintained the one-size-fits-all nature of what the original Q-list did,
> and wouldn't be model or chassis specific like the bulk of the groups/pages
> out there.  Being on FB already (although there are days I consider
> shutting the whole thing down for any number of reasons) I'd support it.
> The problem with it is there are the hold-outs who have never embraced
> social media (or even forums) and rely on the various email lists to get
> answers, even with very little audience.  They'd be left in the wasteland
> of what once was.  What's more, the problem with QW is that a lot of the
> very valuable posts are so old that the pictures are no longer hosted and
> there are TONS of broken links. It's sad really, because there's probably
> no single source of FAQ / BTDT type info as there is in the QW and AW
> archives, save of course the q-list archives, which of course didn't have
> pics and are in archaic email format.
> It's no secret that q-list (much less that of the many spin off lists)
> traffic will never be even a sliver of what it once was, because most have
> moved on in life.   Like Cody, I appreciated the fact that it was sent to
> me instead of having to go search it out, and still reply when I have
> something to add. Like many, I had to get the digests because of the
> unbelievable volume of emails the list used to generate.  Obviously that
> hasn't been necessary in years.  The same holds regarding traffic on
> QuattroWorld and AudiWorld.  Usage is nothing like it was 10ish years ago,
> largely with the advent of FB groups, and of course, you've gotta go
> searching, which I haven't done "regularly/daily" in years. So, what to do.
> ---- Cody <cody at 5000tq.com> wrote:
> > Since the list so unceremoniously vanished 8ish months ago, but is now
> mysteriously back we can now have a chance to organize a potential
> replacement.
>  I'd vote for a Facebook group. There are currently a couple pre-existing
> such as the "Large chassis Audi" group, but I think an Audifans group would
> be nice. Bonus: it's easy to post pictures and share pertinent articles
> etc. I'd volunteer to admin it and invite some of the old guard here to
> join me in that task.
> Alternately we can move to the forums on Audiworld, but personally I hate
> their format and constantly forget to go check them out. The concept of the
> conversation being delivered to me is why I stuck with this list for so
> long.
> Of course we could always get a separately hosted mailing list together
> too. I have a server that can run it, but then we are back to relying on a
> central singular person to maintain it.
> -Cody
> _______________________________________________
> quattro mailing list
> http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/quattro
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> Wylie Bean
> TheRingmeister at triad.rr.com
> 90 cq (track conversion suspended animation mode)
> 91 90q20v sport (full resurrection mode)
> 91 200q20vT (donor mode)
> 92 UrS4 (hibernation mode)
> 00 S4 (son's)
> 08 Q7 3.6 (wife's)
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> quattro mailing list
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