[s-cars] No Hi Beams

Douglas Landaeta dlandaeta at gmail.com
Fri Jan 4 16:51:30 PST 2019

I found it, YGM. 443 953 513K.

> On Jan 4, 2019, at 10:46 AM, Douglas Landaeta <dlandaeta at gmail.com> wrote:
> I may have a good used stalk in my Rossato-bin. I recall replacing mine trying to fix the cruise control - but alas - that’s still broken.
> I’ll look this weekend.
> Doug
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 4, 2019, at 8:17 AM, theringmeister <theringmeister at triad.rr.com> wrote:
>> The stalks fail.  That being said, there are fuses for both high and low beams(for each side I believe) so check them first to rule out the most simple. 
>> If those are good, and no amount of stalk movement (to remove crud or oxidation on the contacts) will restore their function, you might try spraying some contact cleaner (the top column cover comes off easily with 2 screws from the bottom) in there and working it with the stalk.  If at that point you've got nothing, you need to replace that half of the switch. Definitely a DIY job if you to attempt it, and definitely one I'd avoid the dealer over. $700 is insane. A new headlight switch shouldn't be more than $150 (or less) last time I checked and aftermarket is fine. 
>> This is from memory so bear with me if it's not exactly accurate.   Disconnect the neg battery terminal, remove top steering column cover (2 phil screws from the bottom) remove the horn pad (2 torx screws from the back of the wheel) remove airbag plug carefully and set aside very carefully, face up.  Mark spline and steering wheel location, remove steering wheel with a 22 or 24mm deep well (cant recall) or have at least a 6" extension on a normal socket, loosen phillips screw in the round bracket that secures column switch to column. Unplug connector and remove column switches. I believe the stalk clusters separate from the hazard/wiper half with 2 phillips screws as well. R&R left half and assemble in reverse.  
>> Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S8.
>> -------- Original message --------From: Tom Rodriguez <trodri69 at gmail.com> Date: 1/4/19  7:52 AM  (GMT-05:00) To: s-car-list at audifans.com Subject: [s-cars] No Hi Beams 
>> Guys,
>> My high beams will not activate.  A couple of years ago the control stalk on
>> the steering column started acting strange - activating the high beams only
>> occasionally (like every 5th pull of the stalk, or only when turning a
>> corner).  Now the high beams do not activate at all.  I believe there is an
>> electrical connection problem.  Anyone familiar with this?  Is there a
>> procedure for a good fix?  I had the Audi service department look at it and
>> they say they can fix it for $700.  At that price I'll stick with the low
>> beams.
>> Thanks,
>> Tom Rodriguez
>> '95 S6 290K
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