[urq] sport quattro front grill

Steve Eiche seiche at shadetreesoftware.com
Sun Dec 7 21:12:33 EST 2003

Well, it looks like Kerscher Tuning in Germany has a Sport type grill for 430 Euro.  http://www.kerscher-tuning.de/cgi-bin/shop.pl?page=frameset.html&shopid=10704941082507

You would also need the '80's VW Passat Euro headlight to go with it.  These are usually cheap on ebay.de. 

I think that there are some other German manufacturers of Sport clone grills, but this is the first one that I found.



Hello all,

I'm currently looking for a sport quattro front grill for my urq project.
 I've contacted Dialynx, but I've not had any luck with a response.
Are there any suppliers in the U.S ?

Any help would be appreciated.


Craig Cook.

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