More [urq] ACNA support for urq owners

W. Bremer wbremer at
Thu Dec 18 13:10:16 EST 2003

Thnks, Ed
for your kind words.   No, I don't feel "beat up" on this.  I'm glad David
raised the issue again.  The "project" ground to a halt for a number of
reasons, not the least of which was that some of the identified "NLA" items
were in fact being fabricated by other listers.  It's still an idea that
could/should be pursued probably best by an ACNA member, but, due to time
constraints, not by me....

I'm happy to submit part names and part numbers to Karen, but then requestor
should first check on the list to see if a part has been, or is being made
by someone else.  It would be "bad" to ask Audi to recreate an NLA part only
to find that someone else has fabricated a duplicate in the US at less cost.
As I recall, the one (or, actually, two) parts that were NLA and might be
hard to fabricate are the right and left plastic door "pockets."

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ed Kellock" <ekellock at>
To: "W. Bremer" <wbremer at>
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 12:25 AM
Subject: Re: [urq] ACNA support for urq owners--PLEASE READ

> Bill, just wanted to chime in on this.  I probably only know the tip of
the iceberg, but it seems to me that you have done a helluva lot for the urq
community so I hope you don't feel beat on about this.  The explanation you
gave makes it clear to me that it was a good idea that just didn't pan out.
Enough said.
> Ed
> Colorado Springs

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