[urq] Power steering

James Howard ur.quattro at ntlworld.com
Sat Nov 29 21:56:17 EST 2003

That's right - the metal canister is power steering and brake hydraulic
assist. The small plastic reservoir near the windsheild is the clutch
hydraulic fluid.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <jason at omglol.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 2:26 AM
Subject: [urq] Power steering

> Ok, i need to put fluid in.  I pop the hood, and i see my reservoirs...
> but this is the first time ive ever needed to put in power steering, so i
> dont know which it is.  There's the big metal canister that has a label
> that says something about pumping the brake to get the levels up.  Then
> theres another resevoir that in my mind should be windshield fluid.. but
> its got red in it??
> An ETKA search at the power steering system makes it look like the metal
> canister with the pumping label on it should be the power steering.  Is
> this correct?
> Jason
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