[urq] Power Steering WARNING

John Koenig johnkoenig at greennet.net
Sat Nov 29 23:54:21 EST 2003

This is the same system that provides hydraulic pressure to the brake
booster.  You need to de-pressurize the hydraulic system before you open the
canister.  By all means, check the manual if you have one, but, I believe it
says that you should, with the engine NOT running, pump the brake pedal at
least 40 times, yeah 40 (!), to lower the pressure to a safe level.

I use Dexron II ... can't advise you on mixing with Pentosin.

Good luck,

----- Original Message -----
From: <jason at omglol.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2003 10:41 PM
Subject: [urq] Power Steering

> Ok, it goes in the metal canister.
> Now... i have no clue as to whats in there right now.  Lets assume its
> pentosin, will Dexron II mix in just fine??
> Also.. what about this Dexron III stuff.  It says it "replaces" dexron
> II.  Is it a go or no go?
> Jason
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