[urq] Re:Oh here I go Again,,NAC PG-17

Justin cbrooks22 at cox.net
Wed Apr 7 18:30:13 EDT 2004

I feel for you Bill... I was in the job market for a year....there is
nothing out there now...as I'm also in the computer industry....

With job market as it is now...the best thing a person can do is to go back
to school.....Yes, it's tragic that a person with a Master's degree (me...)
has to struggle to find work..... And this is the case for many of my
colleagues...some with PhD's......

.but un-employment is dictated by many factors....many are beyond the
control of any one president or government....(world market, supply/demand,
current world events....etc...)

Don't get me wrong, as I'm not the biggest Bush fan...but the president of
any country has a limited amount of influence on world events...

Hope your son finds something soon,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Daryn Baker" <dpbaker at scu.edu>
To: <MikeDes156 at aol.com>; <ur.quattro at verizon.net>
Cc: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: [urq] Re:Oh here I go Again,,NAC PG-17

> Shipping jobs overseas is nothing new. Your son's plight sucks, but that
> is not the case of every worker in the U.S.! Don't get me wrong, I wish
> all the jobs could stay here, but since we operate on the principal of
> capitalism, it is the nature of the beast. Don't blame Bush for a
> phenomenon that didn't spontaneously generate itself under his watch. Do
> you honestly believe Bush is simply out to screw the average American?
> Depending on whose numbers you believe, the unemployment rate is the
> same now or better than that of when Clinton left office.......two sides
> to every coin.
> I also think we should end it here, and keep the politics off list.
> Daryn
> >>> "Bill Bennett" <ur.quattro at verizon.net> 4/6/04 9:09:00 PM >>>
> This should have not been a public reply Mike, so I will do the same
> offense. My Son lost his job as a 'putor support technician, his job was
> shipped off to India, his job is now overseas, it no longer is in the
> US, he is no longer earning $22.00 per hour, he is earning NADDA,ZIP!
> this happened on the Bushky "watch" while George was coloring his third
> book with a smirk on his face on a bedroom floor in the White House. My
> Son can do anything on a PC and cannot find a job in his field (network
> administrator) in a year, thank you for helping to screw my Son, and he
> is not alone Mike, Bill PS say that again when your job is outsourced
> and your field is gone, course you could say all is OK and do food
> deliverey, garbage collection, billing collection( yes there are not
> enough aggressive nasty people in India to take over that job,, yet)
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: MikeDes156 at aol.com
>   To: urq at audifans.com
>   Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 6:08 PM
>   Subject: [urq] Re:Oh here I go Again,,NAC PG-17
>   I already gave my $1000 to the RNC. I figured thanks to the R's I
> still have
>   something left in my paycheck. The D's would take it from me at
> gunpoint and
>   give it to some 3rd generation welfare family. I'd rather decide
> where it goes.
>   Mike
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