[urq] upper strut modificatons

Alan Kramer ackramer at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 14 13:31:09 EDT 2004


Yep, I see exactly what you mean.

One modification I would make if I chose to do that would be instead of 
using a slotted plate, which you probably would only be able to bolt in 2 
places on a side (like top-left and bottom right on the front side and 
bottom left, top right on the back side) would be to use a pair of slotted 
bars which would cross each other.   Then you could have 8 bolts in total 
securing the two halves of the strut tower instead of just 4.  Also, if one 
brace were to fail, you would have a second one which would prevent floppy 
wheel syndrome.

My plan up until now was to use the 2 piece strut assy's from a 80/90q which 
would not have quite the flexibility of your design, but would be better 
than nothing.   Then I would use the camber/caster plates up top to add 
additional flexibility.   I may rethink that idea....

Cutting out the inner fender wells is a neat idea for being able to get at 
the s'spension bits from above.  I'm going to think about that some more and 
may steal that idea from you.

I'm working on a V8 swap into my UrQ like you started a while back...  I've 
test fit the engine and made my mounts.  Now I'm making brackets for the 
master cylinders and cluch master cylinder, as well as the new (manual) 
steering rack and steering quickener.  Once all that's done, I'm going to 
run my wiring and tack in studs to secure the wires to the firewall and 
frame.  Finally when all the welding & related cutting's finished, I'm going 
to remove everything and prime/paint the engine bay, then reassemble.

Doesn't that engine just look like it belongs in that bay???

Alan Kramer

'83 UrQ V8
'83 CGT 20vt
'86 4kcsq
'90 V8q


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