[urq] West Coast UPG
Ed Kellock
ekellock at adelphia.net
Mon Apr 19 16:38:56 EDT 2004
I was thinking the same thing, considering there were other
purely coastal locales also suggested.
I hesitate to chime in because my urq would likely not
attend, though I would still try to. My urq is almost a
project car still and wouldn't be a great candidate for a
road trip just yet. I'd likely roll the V8 instead this
Granted any location will favor some people but I think the
goal should be to make it as convenient for as many as
A more central locale would be central or northern Utah or
Nevada, but there isn't much there, as has been pointed out
already. Expanding that a bit offers us Vegas or Reno or
Salt Lake City. Vegas is a bit far south for those in the
NW. Reno a bit far for the CO crowd, and is there anything
of interest in or near SLC? Although, the motivation for
this gathering will be delivering us to whichever locale is
decided upon so do we need that much add'l entertainment?
Colorado Springs
From: Rich Letsinger <ricoletsinger at yahoo.com>
Date: 2004/04/19 Mon PM 01:33:26 MDT
To: urq at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [urq] West Coast UPG
Not to be too pointed, but if you guys are going to
have it at Mt. Hamilton (or even Mendocino) you're
having a "S.F. UPG," not a "West Coast UPG."
--- Daryn Baker <dpbaker at scu.edu> wrote:
> I have mentioned this before to a few folks, but not
> everybody. I personally think Mt. Hamilton would be
> a nice choice. Great views, challenging road,
> observatory at the top to check out. There is a
> county park between San Jose and the mountain that
> has camping facilities if anybody was interested in
> that. Definitely favors the South Bayers, but there
> are also Audi dealers in San Jose and Palo Alto that
> could be converged upon. Could be interesting. Just
> a thought.
> Daryn
> >>> Andrew Finney <afinney1 at yahoo.com> 4/17/2004
> 9:56:51 PM >>>
> OK, so I got a few responses for a west coast UPG
> and
> a lot of the bay area folks were pulling hard for
> Mendocino. I'd be willing to organize the thing in
> Mendocino if people were interested. Brandon, as
> usual, you enthusiasm is catching and refreshing. Is
> anyone else more interested in somewhere else and
> more
> willing to organize something for early fall this
> year? Maybe Wolff, Tony, and Jeff would be willing
> to
> go and scout roads with me this summer?
> Andrew Finney
> 1983 and 1984 UrQs.
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