[urq] West Coast UPG

Andrew Finney afinney1 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 20 10:31:19 EDT 2004

Not to be too pointed, but if you guys are going to
have it at Mt. Hamilton (or even Mendocino) you're
having a "S.F. UPG," not a "West Coast UPG."



Rich, I started the thread with the hope of
stimulating some dialog. I hardly got any responses. I
did get some oregon interest, some south bay area
interest, some moab interest (and maybe one more area)
but hardly anyone seems to be interested. I offered to
organize it if it was more local to me (4 hours away),
and I personally think Mendocino on the north coast of
CA would be beautiful. I'd be game for anywhere as
long as people were interested. Let's do Oregon! I
can't really organize an event in an area I know
nothing about. If anyone wants to step in and organize
the West Coast UPG please feel free. I'd rather just
drive for 10 hrs than plan the darn thing.

Andrew Finney
1983 and 1984 UrQs.

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