[urq] urq computer repair

Bill Bennett ur.quattro at verizon.net
Wed Apr 21 02:28:32 EDT 2004

and these guys http://www.bsecorp.com/ have repaired more than one Audi ECM on IATN.net   I have e-mailed them, fixing a URQ ECM problem is no problem, they can rebuild it. and SJM? well, Scott has never let me down, and my MC conversion on my son's car had a problem, SJM found the oil pressure problem quickly
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Phil Payne 
  To: urq at audifans.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 1:43 AM
  Subject: Re: [urq] urq computer repair

  > Does have a source for a new pressure transducer
  > inside the early urq computers?

  > Audi dealer says there is no part listed except for
  > entire ecu unit.

  The transducer is a Hitachi-unique part that was never sold as a component.  Both Scott Mockry
  in the USA and Roger Galvin and I in the UK have successfully sourced alternatives - I think
  Scott found a Bosch equivalent and we found a guy in Rugby who could "profile" a standard
  transducer with a coupld of op-amps.  The cost was horrendous - around GBP110 (USD180) so we
  didn't take it further.

  I don't know what Scott is doing now - I sourced some 3kPa transducers in the UK for him a
  couple of years back.

    Phil Payne
    +44 7785 302 803

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