[urq] Push start required for this urq. Help

Ed Kellock ekellock at adelphia.net
Tue Apr 27 12:11:51 EDT 2004

I had a similar saga with my neglected and beat cheapo urq
about a year and a half ago.  It happened just a couple
months after I drove it 1500 miles home from SC without
incident.  I never attempted to push start it so I can't
verify that part of it.

I messed with the fuel pressure via the control pressure
regulator and was able to get that in spec, but I think the
thing that really fixed it was pulling the injectors and
finding that the injector inserts were really loose which
allowed in a lot of unmetered air.  I removed, cleaned, and
reinstalled, and then I could start it.

Mine still starts poorly but reliably.  Once it warms up a
little, it runs very well though.


From: steven j <michellepfeiffersx at yahoo.com>
Date: 2004/04/27 Tue AM 07:18:12 MDT
To: urq at audifans.com
Subject: [urq] Push start required for this urq.  Help

Now that the starter wiring was fixed my shop can't get it started.  Here's the saga.  Original motor (WR or WX?)
I bought the car and the starter wasn't operational (maybe no accident) - so the seller parked the car on a grassy hill and would roll it down to start it.  A wire also had to be put in slot #16 in black panel to the left of steering column (for fuel pump?).   I drove the car 100 miles home.  It ran fine, I never went over 65mph.  It wouldn't always idle well so without a starter I didn't take any chances (left foot braking at toll plaza) but when I was ready to park it 2hours later it idled ok.  Following week to drive it to shop I put a rope on it and pull started it with another car.   It took 3 attempts, the first 2 times it fired but died in 20 seconds.  Third attempt, plus keeping revs up for a few minutes and it was ready for the 20 mile drive to the shop.  So off to the shop where it got ignition switch and maybe wiring so now the starter cranks the engine, and turbo was replaced but shop can't get it to fire up.   It almost fires but never makes it.  Gets gas and spa
 rk. Shop
 has plenty of experience with urqs - has switched things  like crank sensor, fuel pressure is good, new plugs, timing.  To me sounds like it maybe to lean?  Also I read my Intro Training and the Idle stabilization function is in the control unit.   So any ideas?  Shop will try to push start just to make sure it still runs.  Replacement Turbo ended in CX - I assume X means rebuilt - (not that it spins opposite diretion) - steve

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