[urq] RE: [Es2] fuel pump

Bill Bennett ur.quattro at verizon.net
Tue Aug 10 01:14:58 EDT 2004

AAN is only 3 Bar,I have no idea about the RS, it maybe 3.2 for the RS the
urq pump can do 8 bar no problem.Bill
----- Original Message -----
From: "Buchholz, Steven" <Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 6:05 PM
Subject: RE: [urq] RE: [Es2] fuel pump

> > What amount of pressure should be coming from the stock fuel pump?
> > Does anyone know what the pressure should be at the fuel rails for an
> > AAN and a AAN/RS2ed motor?
> ... what I was trying to say in my earlier post was that the pump does not
> determine pressure in and of itself.  Of course if the pump were not up to
> the task it would not work, but what you'd be looking at would be flow
> not pressure.  In the WX motor the pressure is determined by the regulator
> in (or near) the metering head.  I'm not familiar with the AAN, but on my
> EFI'ed PT the pressure is determined by a regulator that feeds from the
> rail to the return line.  This is what I was talking about when I said the
> control system for the engine should make the pressure adapt to the
> requirements of the FI system ...
> >
> > During a conversion conversation regarding converting my AAN fuel rail
> > so it would fit the RS2 Intake Manifold I'm using, I was questioned as
> > to if I would want a fuel pressure fitting installed so I
> > could monitor
> > the pressure at the IM/fuel rail. Converting the AAN fuel
> > rail with the
> > pressure indicator fitting was almost the same price as buying the
> > proper RS2 rail, which I haven't done either just yet. Doubt the RS2
> > rail comes with a fitting to monitor Fuel Pressure, but don't know for
> > sure.
> >
> Fuel pressure is not as important on an EFI system as it is on an old CIS,
> but it can give you clues of impending problems.  I'd say, go with the
> with the tap off point for the pressure transducer ... you can always plug
> it.  I'm thinking that my comprehensive instrumentation package for my urq
> will include a fuel pressure gauge ... but it will likely be measuring
> control pressure on the CIS ...
> Steve B
> San Jose, CA (USA)
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