[urq] Return of the gremlins

Brandon Rogers brogers at terrix.com
Tue Aug 31 11:51:11 EDT 2004

This happened to me once too.  One day fine.  Next day was running on four.
It was a bad plug.

'84 ur

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <DGraber460 at aol.com>
To: ""Maurits Jonkergouw"" <urq at moregraphics.nl>; ""audifans""
<urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 7:07 AM
Subject: Re: [urq] Return of the gremlins

I had a silmilar problem about 6 months ago.
Drove to the airport for flight out, parked, no problems. Arrived back the
next day, started the car- only had 4 firing. Late at night, and I thought
it would clear up, so drove it home (about 16 miles). Never cleared up.
Had a spare dissy cap- no change.
Spare wire for #4- no change.
Checked flow from injector- OK.
New plug- problem solved.
I had never before had a plug just "go bad" out of the blue like that.
FWIW- the plugs were NGK BP6ET, which I still and use swear by as best for
WX turbos.


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