VIN: [urq] goofy fenders? & Bentley manual

steven j michellepfeiffersx at
Wed Dec 1 23:15:50 EST 2004

The DC  after the WAU in the vin must mean urq.

This is my best guess based on page 5 of my Bentley -
which BTW doesn't list what D and C mean.  D is in the
'line and body type  where B = coupe and F = 4door.  C
would be engine type - but bentley only shows what
values A and B mean.

steve m.  
--- Ingo Rautenberg <i.rautenberg at> wrote:

> While I don't have a valid Carfax account right now,
> the VIN appears to be
> correct for a genuine Urq.
> Ingo

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