[urq] rear bumper shock

Gregg K groupbq at insight.rr.com
Fri Dec 3 02:24:35 EST 2004


The front and rear bumper shocks can be compressed without destroying 
anything.  Remove the locknut on the shock piston rod and unscrew the shock 
housing.  Take a die (I forget what size) and cut more threads on the piston 
rod.  This will allow you to thread the shock housing farther down on the 
rod, essentially shortening the unit, and moving the bumper closer to the 
body.  As I recall, the rear bumper can be adjusted to be nearly flush with 
the apron, making it a fairly good match for the front Euro bumper.


Gregg Kellenberger
'83 Mars

Message: 9
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2004 19:21:51 -0500
From: Jim Miller <jimmiller at insightbb.com>
Subject: [urq] rear bumper shock
To: <"mailto:urq"@audifans.com>
Message-ID: <BDCFD5CF.163A%jimmiller at insightbb.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

Has anyone had experience with compressing the rear bumper shocks to achieve
that Euro look on an '83 UrQ ? I have the parts off the car. The front end
sports the Euro conversion so I need the rear to match. Any BTDT?

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