[urq] SS exhausts

SpotatAshleys spotatashleys at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 3 15:06:02 EST 2004

A question for UK based listers (I think - depends if you have experience of Milltek and Scorpion overseas). I have a single box Scorpion SS exhaust on my 87 WR. It came with the car when I bought it and it was fun to start with and sounds wonderful on the over-run but is wearing on a long journey. What are your experience of Scorpion and Milltek. My options seem to be:
a. Buy earplugs - nice and cheap and doesn't deprive other of the glorious I5 sound.
b. Buy a centre box section from Scorpion (if I can get one) - but will it really quieten it down as I would like? Will it fit well?
c. Buy a complete Milltek system - I have no experience of Milltek so would like to know about sound, fit and quality.  
Needless to say, whichever route I take I don't want to compromise performance.
All advice welcome.

Many thanks


'87 WR

p..s for those of you who kindly replied to my query over "Poor Starting" the latest news is that I have still not yet found the cause and am persevering.

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