[urq] SS exhausts

Jim Haseltine jim_haseltine at ntlworld.com
Sat Dec 4 06:31:57 EST 2004

Rather than just straight out dissing the things, perhaps I should have said 
that my experience with a Scorpion system installed by the previous owner of 
my MB was that I could not get the thing to fit properly without banging on 
the bottom of the car and that the brackets did not accept Audi hangers.

The more that I think about it, the more I'm of the opinion that this is 
another area where the individual assembly of the cars has great bearing, 
rather like the capacity of some cars to accept 225 tyres without rubbing. I 
know of at least two UK owners who have Milltek/Rimmer Bros exhausts and are 
more than happy with them and at least one other who swore by his Scorpion 
until he sold his Ur.

I have no affilliation with the Quattro Workshop, I'm just hugely impressed 
by an aftermarket product that actually fits the car unlike most of the 
'specialist' rubbish we get fobbed off with.


Jim Haseltine

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Frederick Smith" <smitty at pcrealm.net>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 4:56 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [urq] SS exhausts

> Opinions are just that, opinions. I respect Jim Hazeltines right to his 
> view, I don't agree however.
> Over the years, when Ivor was the US distributor, I purchased and 
> installed five of the Scorpion
> systems, two on my own vehicles, one on Greg Haymann's car and the other 
> two on the cars of
> urQ friends. All fit without difficulty, one hour including removal of the 
> original system.
> My system has been on my car for seven years, Gregs about six years. We 
> are using the Rapid
> Parts VW chain reinforced hangers ($8.00 ea.), that is the only difference 
> from the stock
> system install. Actually the Scorpion system is much lighter, in weight 
> than the stock exhaust, so
> the reinforced hangers aren't necessary due to the weight................ 
> they just last longer it seems.
> Other opinions aside, I would buy the Scorpion again, IF I ever need one. 
> That doesn't look
> like something that will be necessary for a long time though.
> Smitty
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