[urq] Looking for new rear deck-lid decals-HELP!

BTMeadows at aol.com BTMeadows at aol.com
Fri Dec 10 18:36:44 EST 2004

Hey Jim,
You may want to check around on other lists as well, but, I know that there  
are some guys out there that have the "quattro" font.  It may be possible  for 
you to have an electronic copy of "Audi quattro" that you could take to any  
sign shop to have made into decals with industrial strength vinyl.  Just a  
thought.  Good luck.  
BTW, is anyone else experiencing the physiological and mental  readjustment 
that has accompanied the discontinuation of the "Goofy  Fenders" thread?  
Withdrawal is a bitch!  :-)
Have a great weekend,

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