[urq] Cruise control vacuum+electrical switch removal

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Fri Dec 10 21:25:18 EST 2004

... the urq is a bit simpler than other newer cars that have a duct that
has to be removed to be able to access the pedal assembly ... it really
isn't that difficult to get to the switches to check them out.  You
might want to do a quick test by just pulling the electrical connector
and rotating the switch clockwise one or two turns and reconnecting the
electrical connector.  

So ... do you know for a fact that the pedal switches is the source of
your problem?  There are other sources that will render the CC
non-operative ... for instance, it is possible for the CC to stop
working if both brake lights are burned out or something is causing the
brake lights to be on all the time.  On my V8 the CC failure was due to
the switch on the stalk.  

If you want to do a quick check for a vacuum leak you can pull the line
at the "T" near the CC vacuum motor (near the strut tower/firewall on
the left side) and apply a vacuum to the line going into the passenger

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)
> So before kneeling in the snow, head first under the dash, to 
> remove these
> nasty little gems, I guess I must measure the resistance first? :-)
> Do you know if the vacuum part goes bad also? 

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