[urq] Tracking down a boost leak - help!

Ingo Rautenberg IRautenberg at comcast.net
Sun Dec 12 08:53:19 EST 2004

OK.  Usually I'm pretty good at this, but this one has me stumped.  A few
months back I tore a hole in the upper IC to throtle body hose.  After I was
able to effectively repair the leak wirth polyner tape (withstanding 17 psi
boost), I replace the hose with a new one.  I haven't driven the car much,
but thought I'd go through it before the snow arrives, but now it's here and
I have a boost leak developing as early as 9 psi.  I checked and rechecked
all the hose clamps and am just baffled.  I took a mirror to search for any
unseen tears.  I even took the wastegate top off to check for torn diaphram.
With the windows open it's unmistakable.  I can boost to 15 psi, but am most
likely spinning the turbo more than she needs to.  Any suggestions?  Patient
is an '84 WX with K24.  I do have other things to do and can't have the Urq
be the garage queen for too long...


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