[urq] Non urq content, but all(road) audi content

Jim Fleischer quattrotto at comcast.net
Thu Dec 9 13:50:50 EST 2004

MessageHey guys,

I need some advice and who better to turn than fellow audiphiles.......

Two weeks ago, I was involved in a fairly violent accident in my allroad.  A driver of a Honda Pilot lost control in a storm, pinballed off a guardrail and went right into the path of my allroad on I-70 in Vail, CO.  I hit him hard, right front side, and scraped along the left guardrail, causing an estimated (at this point) $12-$15K in damage.  Unfortunately, not enough to total it.  Here's where I need some help.

I don't want the car anymore......with that kind of damage to the front end, including turbo and intercooler, suspension and god knows what else, it will never be the same.  I am dealing with Nationwide insurance, his insurer as he was at fault, and I'm wondering at my rights regarding this matter.  If they are adamant about fixing the car, I'll will just sell/trade it after it's fixed for anither allroad that hasn't been hit.  As far as I'm concerned, a car that was hit like this, regardless of repair, has a lower value than one that was not, correct?  Am I able to collect on this difference in value?  I don't want to make any money on the deal, I just want what I had......a perfect driving example of Audi's 2001 technology.  I know, no I-5, but still faster than my ur, still not as fun though.....any suggestions or BTDT?  

By the way, it will be looked at by SVE Autobody in Broomfield, CO for the final estimate, as the adjuster couldn't get under the car in the wrecking yard....so there is still some hope of a total depending on what's going on under there.  

Thanks guys, I just want to be prepared for the inevitable screwing from the insurance company.

Hope all are well, and stay well away from Second Home Owners from Texas!

Best regards,

Jim Fleischer
Dodge Durango Rental for the time being

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